Funerals and Cemetery


Cemetery & Chevra Kadisha (Funerals and Cemetery)

Congregation Agudas Israel offers a climate of dignity, comfort and reflection in times of death. Services can be held at the synagogue or graveside. The Congregation Agudas Israel Cemetery is located northwest of the City of Saskatoon on the Battleford Trail.

Congregation Agudas Israel will provide burial for all Jews, whether they are Congregants or not. Non Jewish spouses can be buried beside their Jewish spouse in a designated section of the Cemetery. Following tahara, burial can take place in the Agudas Israel Cemetery or arrangements can be made with a Chevra Kadisha elsewhere.

Members in good standing receive the following services:

  • opportunity to reserve a plot
  • Clergy and ritual services, tahara , opening & closing of the grave, standardcasket, perpetual care, ritual and internment services, hearse & car for family,  shiva candle, prayer books to conduct services at shiva location, unveiling services , monuments must meet CAI standards.

Cemetery location: Google Maps

Temporary Access to CAI cemetery due to construction: The only access is on highway sixteen past Sasktel Centre, taking a left at the second set of lights called Auction Mart Road.

Directions to our cemetery:

  • Using 22nd Street heading west.
  • Proceed West past Confederation Park, stay in right lanes.
  • Approaching the city limits, go past Betts Ave and immediately turn Right at the lights on to the Neault -Dalmeny road which is marked with a road sign.
  • Keep driving (approximately 4 Kms)until you see a large green construction shop on the left and turn right at this corner (disregard the road closed sign).
  • Go one half kilometre and you will be at the cemetery, on the right side of road.

For further information contact Congregation Agudas Israel at (306) 343-7023 Ext 1. or by email at