B’nai Brith Lodge 739
Chartered in 1913, our club has been an integral part of Congregation Agudas Israel and the larger Jewish community since 1913. Since 1954, we have hosted the fabulously successful B’nai Brith Silver Plate Dinner, Saskatoon’s most important networking event. Over 900 business and professional leaders attend this annual event at which we honour a volunteer whose leadership has made Saskatoon better place. Funds raised allow our Lodge to engage in Tikkun Olam (Healing of the World). B’nai Brith purchased the property for our Jewish Community Centre, provided $200 000 for the recent renovation of the building and shared the development costs with the City of Saskatoon for Raoul Wallenberg Park, adjacent to CAI. Our focus has been on supporting the youth of our community such as the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital, the Optimist Boarding Hill, Care & Share, and the Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation. We are so pleased to help Jewish children, regardless of synagogue affiliation, to attend Camp B’nai Brith near Red Deer, Alberta.
Membership is open to all Jewish persons, approximately 25 yrs+ and we welcome those whose partners are Jewish. For more information and to investigate membership, please contact David Katzman at dl.katzman@sasktel.net.
The women of Congregation Agudas Israel form a group that supports the social and business functions of the synagogue. In addition to providing beverages and a nosch at many synagogue functions, we welcome every Bar/bat mitzvah to to adult community with a gift memento. We foster community spirit at all opportunity and sponsor and annual Family Shabbat Dinner.
Our kitchen functions smoothly under the direction of our hired staff, who also provide simple and delicious Kiddush Luncheons on Shabbat. Volunteers are always appreciated as there is no shortage of jobs that need attention in the kitchen.
Sisterhood also has membership in the larger organization of Women’s League, and fundraises for Torah Fund. The aim of Torah Fund is to provide every individual with the opportunity to participate in the preservation, promotion, and joy of Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. The Torah Fund campaign supports: The Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, New York), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, California) and Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW)
CHW is Canada’s leading Jewish women’s philanthropic organization. Founded in 1917, CHW is non-political, volunteer driven and funds a multitude of programs and projects for Children, Healthcare and Women in Israel and Canada. Its dynamic membership of 10,000 translates into 10,000 opportunities of friendship and countless opportunities to make a difference.
In Saskatoon, the Sarah Goldenberg Chapter of Hadassah-WIZO is a small but dedicated group of women. We meet at least three times per year in members’ homes or at the Jewish Community Centre. As a group, we have several exciting and successful projects: The Silver Spoon Dinner, The CHW Annual Fundraising Campaign, The Pesach Tea and the “Jewish-style Dinner for 8” Raffle project.
While fundraising is our primary focus, belonging to Saskatoon CHW is a terrific way to make friends, develop leadership and organizational skills and feel great about helping others.
Join today!
Contact info: President – Linda Shaw lindashaw@shaw.ca
Membership – Dianne Greenblat ggreenblat@sasktel.net